Today Filming started a little later than planned as I had to get together the resources for the shoot and the actress I was using was running a little late. Nevertheless all film was completed and was done to perfection. everything I wanted to shoot got shot and even some extra stuff was shot too.
Today's objective was to film the bits that will go inbetween the footage that i filmed on day 2 of filming. Today the filming will be based around a previous doctor that attempted to look into the case of patient 13 but fell mercy to patient 13 and died. In addition to this i filmed parts that would slot nicely to work with what Dr Jones is saying.
Firstly I began by filming the parts with the actress that agreed to film with me, Emily Day. Her character was that of a previous doctor that tried to crack the mystery of Patient 13 but failed. The location for the day's filming happened at a friends house. initially i hoped to film at my college but I was not able to due to events and the availability of the classrooms i wanted to use. Even though my friends house was second choice it still worked really well for what i wanted to capture.
Before I filmed anything I made sure that my actress was in costume, which consisted of a formal white shirt, glasses and a black shirt. also I asked if her hair could be tied up in a bun to add to that formal doctor look I was trying to convey. I chose the costume that I did, because I thought that it would relate closely to Dr Jones, as he wears a similar attire. In addition to this, it would help the audience to parallel these two characters and follow the similarities. The first shot of the day was that of my actress walking through a door which resembled that of an office door. I thought that this would establish her character and authority as she is walking into what looks like an office. Next, a close up of my actress looking puzzled and taking off her glasses in a stressful manner, which was instructed by my self, gave a sense of curiosity. next i orchestrated an over the shoulder shot to see what she was looking at, which was a file. Still sticking with the over the shoulder shot I instructed my actress to open the file, where a piece of torn paper with weird drawings could be seen. this would set the tone that my actress's character has previously managed to be puzzled by patient 13's drawings.
Next was the shot where this previous Doctor was dead. In order to do this she had to lying on the floor and looked a little roughed up as if she has been struggling. I panned the camera from her feet up in order for when its edited it will build the suspense for the identification of this body. I stopped panning at her waist and then did a close up of her head and facial area to distinctly show that she was dead.
Although this does not sound like a lot of filming, it was. I had to do many takes and test angles and movements in order to get it perfecta and I acknowledge that it is part of my process as it takes time to get it to what I actually wanted. Lighting was also key and found that the natural lighting of the location, which was the the kitchen, worked like a treat and it gave the kitchen a sense of an office.
The next half of filming began with myself being the actor and using my actress from before to operate the camera under my instructions. We began with getting the location prepared for the filming which meant the desk in the bedroom we were filming in being cleared and the positioning of blank paper on the desk. Luckily the desk was positioned next to the window and gave the footage a blue-ish tint which worked very well and no artificial lighting was needed. The filming started with some close up of Patient 13's (me) hand holding a pencil above the paper, and some extreme close ups of my fingertips about to draw and also starting to draw the images. Next I instructed for a side profile close up of my face whilst twitching to show the audience what type of character Patient 13 was. Other shots were also tested such as a close up front view of my face whilst drawing and other types of movement which included panning from left to right behind patient 13 to make it look like it was the Doctor that was observing him. An over the shoulder shot of showing the two separate drawings, on of patient 13 as an angel and the other as Dr Jones as a demon was instructed as I wanted the over the shoulder shot to provide an opening for the audience to see what Dr Jones is watching. This particular scene ended with a birds eye view shot of the two drawings so that they are seen more clearly.
The teaser trailer's filming ended with a couple of shots of Patient 13, different shots were taken: Close ups, long shots, low angles, high angles. This was more experimenting than instructing as one of the problems was the lighting in the corridor. It looked really dark through the camera and I hope it is clearer on the computer.
My trailer's content has been shot and now it leaves me for the editing process in order for me to complete my visualisation of what i want my teaser trailer to look like. I believe I have followed my shot list and storyboard throughout my filming an i hope it is enough to construct my teaser trailer.