Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Feedback and Editing according to feedback....

1st draft of film poster
After getting feedback from my peers and teachers about what needed to be change I began to enhance my work and found that I managed to make my work a lot sharper and more conventional through the feedback I was given and being noted for thing that I had missed out......


In total I surveyed my poster amongst my peers and a couple of my subject teachers and found that most of their comment were the same. The reoccurring points were that there seemed to be a lot of dead space. Holistically, everybody said it was good and that the dead space on the sides of the image were the only minor problems they could think of. My subject teacher suggested the dead space aswell and also added a point about shifting the title a little higher and adding the conventional film poster credits at the bottom. These are only minor problems that were exposed but have to be addressed accordingly as it would make my work more conventional to the industry standard and more professional. Next was to put the changes in place...

One of the first things I changed through my feedback was the dead space as it made the image look a bit drowned in the black background was to add some more detail to the image. Initially I thought i might of had to change the image but I then realised that I could just add a bit more to the one I already had, because I really liked the image. I added the wings from a hand drawn image that is going to be in my teaser trailer and lowered the opacity so that it did not make the definition of paradox unclear. I made it white as I thought it was the best colour to use against the black backing.  I thought it created a nice touch to the image on the poster and will now link nicely to the trailer and add more of a buzz, whilst getting rid of the dead space that I wanted to get rid of. I believe that thanks to the feedback I was able to fine tune my work and deal with some of the mistakes that might of been small but needed to be sorted in order to make my work better...
After dealing with the dead space I was suggested, through my feedback, by my teacher to add the conventional feature of poster credits. I did this my downloading a font which allowed me to custom names to make the credits suit me. I placed the credits in the conventional place of the bottom of the poster and made the font white as it is the conventional colour for movie poster credits and so it was noticeable over the black. With the font i was also able to create the symbols right at the bottom of the poster, which added even more to the conventional look of a film poster. I made sure that the font size was small for the credits and that the symbols were also small as they would look out of place if they were any bigger. It is also a industry convention that they are small as it is not the main attraction of the poster, but at the same time is an essential to mention everyone that helped with the production.

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