Thursday, 9 December 2010

Filming: Day 4

I was not planning to have a 4th filming day but found I wanted to add some extra footage to my trailer. In order for me to do this i organised that one day after school James (dr. Jones)  and I would film a scene in the toilet. It did not take long at all as i entrusted the camera with a film studies student who helped and i explained to him what i wanted and he totally understood. I explained to him that I wanted a over the shoulder shot of dr. Jones washing his face and slowly looking up into the reflection of the mirror. At this point i slowly open one of the cubicle doors and dr. Jones spots me in the mirror. I wanted to create the impression that when he turned around that patient 13 wasn't there anymore and did this by coming out of frame and just a couple of shots of the cubicle being empty. Both mine a James's costume remained the same. the lighting was also fine and did not need adjusting so the shoot went perfectly and didn't take up too much of anybody's time.

I wasn't planning on having this filming day and did not have a shot list so most of the filming was totally independent. This definitely concludes the filming for my teaser trailer and I am now confident I have enough footage to make a teaser trailer.

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