Saturday, 8 January 2011

Evaluation: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

One of the main goals of this project was to make sure it both my ancillary tasks and my main task worked holistically in order to create a product that was professional and fitted the industry codes and conventions. I feel that all my production pieces for this project tie in with each other and I have full confidence that they worked together to produce, holistically, a good piece of work that ticks all the boxes and fits the criteria of the codes and conventions of the film industry.

One of the first things I had to work out was choosing and fitting together a colour scheme for my work so that they looked similar to each other, but not at all the same as I wanted create three pieces of worked that linked with each other but not look like clones of each other. The predominant colours in my ancillary tasks are  black, red and white. The colour scheme was something that ad to be in both of my print productions. My film poster mixed these three colours to create an eerie feel to it and with the poster being the first of my production pieces I felt that I had use it as a stepping stone in order to create my magazine cover. For the construction of my magazine cover I made sure that I used my three chosen colours and planned out what colour would be for what particular element of the magazine cover. For example, I decided to have all the sub titles of the magazine cover red with the context of each sub heading being white. I constructed layouts and colours for certain things before I actually constructed my two pieces of work and found it was much easier to link these two pieces of work together by making a plan and working out what works well with what. For both my ancillary tasks I made sure that holistically they looked like they were promoting the same thing and I believe that I did this well. Just like my AS coursework where my front page, contents page and double page spread had to look like they belonged to the same magazine I made the my production pieces of the poster and magazine cover look like they belonged in the sane promotional package, and that was one of the most important things that I had to bare in mind throughout this project. I could have easily produced to completely different products that were good in there own individuality but by making products link together it fulfils the objective of the task.

After creating my two ancillary tasks in the poster and magazine cover I had to make sure that my teaser trailer followed in making my project work holistically and I believe I achieved this. Although the predominant colours in my trailer are not the ones chosen for my ancillary tasks (red, black and white) I did try to incorporate the feeling of eerie in my trailer so that it linked to my other two production pieces. I feel that things can fit together perfectly if they are shadowed by an over arching theme. By incorporating the eerie factor into my teaser trailer I believe that all my products link together and work very well holistically to produce a very nice, professional standard of work that I am happy with.

If I was to reconsider and do this project again I wouldn't change much on this particular area. However, I was to carry this project out again I might of tested different things out in order to make my work holistic in a different way. For example, I would have tested out a different house style and I would of underwent some trial and error with the colour scheme of my work. In addition to this I would of probably tried to link the teaser trailer to the film poster by including some more of my colours of my initial colour scheme. In conclusion I still have strong faith in my work working holistically and fitting the codes and conventions of the industry standards.

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