Sunday, 9 January 2011

Evaluation: How did you use new media technologies in the Construction & Research, Planning and Evaluation stages?

Throughout all the stages of my project I used a mixture of new media technologies, theory and own ideologies to aid me to create the product that I wanted to create. The use of new media technologies was important in all my process as I used them as guidelines to help me create a product that would fit into the industry and comply with the industry codes and conventions. The use of new media technologies played a big role in all my stages and shaped the way into me determining my choices and conducting audience feedback session.

Throughout the construction stage of my process I used new media technologies to build and interpret my ideas onto a screen where I could manipulate my ideas and do whatever I wanted with it. I used a computer with the latest programmes in editing software to produce all three pieces of my work. As a matter of fact, computers was a new media technology I found myself heavily dependent on a computer in order in constructing and editing of the my poster and magazine cover. I used the programme photoshop in order to recreate my idea to a professional standard and with this programme I was able to as I was using the industry standard software. Similarly, I did this with my magazine cover using the same programme. In addition to editing my print production on the computer I was also able to edit the footage I took in order to create my teaser trailer. For my teaser trailer I used a used the program final cut pro, which I found very useful as it was one of the industry's leading editing software. However, at the expense of using new media technologies there is also the price to pay of learning how to use them and like any programme that is used by an entire industry it was complicated to use at first, but through using the internet I was able find tutorials and learn through the new media technology medium of the Internet. The Internet was heavily depended on throughout my construction stage as it is were I got inspiration, learnt tutorials to be able to use the programs I had and most importantly it kept me up to date wit recent media events following my chosen industry that I had to pay attention to, which was the film industry.

The research stage of my project was probably the one stage that required e most use of the new media technology as I has to use an array of mediums in order to get sufficient research so I could produce products that corresponded and were suitable with the industry codes and conventions. One of the main things I used for this stage was the Internet and thanks to the whole evolution of the Internet and the new theory of web 2.0 by David Gauntlet where he expresses that the internet has evolved from having your own private garden to being an allotment where many people can interact and share information. Thanks to this evolution I was able to do most of my research on the Internet. Through websites like YouTube I was able to view and study teaser trailers by both big film companies and projects such as mine from different schools in order to aid me in decision making and looking at styles of editing, camera shots and overall house styles of the products. through the Internet I was also able to research different promotional packages, film posters and film magazine covers, this really helped in the construction and planning for my print productions as I had to construct both a film poster and a magazine cover. I also used the medium of tv to see how the genre I chose was presented of television and also films are shown on tv, so I was able research what I needed on almost anything: my computer, my iPod, tv and even my phone. New media technologies has really opened the opportunity gate for my research and I felt like I did sufficient research as I was always being exposed to technology that allows me to research. I strongly feel that I was not hindered in any way and feel that I fulfilled what I set out to achieve in my research stage the fullest of my potential. However, I argue that with the new media technologies that are out at the moment there is no stop to the amount of the research I can do, so as a trial If I was to do this project again I would of kept track of all the information I found and constantly of done research till the very end.

The planning stage of my work was important and found that to keep track of and show my planning work effectively was through a blog. By showing evidence on a blog it was an effective way of using new media technology to plan, research, exhibit and evaluate my work. Word processing programs was also a necessity as it aided me into creating plans and shot lists for my production stage and also. Other work that I was able to evidence into my blog was scanning my storyboard to I could show it digitally. The planning stage of my process I feel like it required not too much use of new media technology and I feel that basic usage of it was what I needed in order to fulfil my intent with the planning stage. Saying this, if I was to redo my project I would look into developing my planning stage a bit further by including some more digital material, maybe such as a vlog, where I can back up each blog post with a video explaining. This could be very helpful as it could my blog easier to understand and would show that I am using new media technology more effectively.

Finally, new media technology helped me to complete my evaluation of my work and again it came form the aid of a blog as it allowed me to express my work and critically evaluate my work as I went along. Overall, new media technology is ever changing and the technology I have to hand now has changed so much since that of when I was doing my AS coursework and I acknowledge that it will continue to change as everyday there is something new and the globalisation of the world means that things will became faster and inevitably better. If I was to do this project again in 10 years, there's a 100 percent guarantee that I could probably do so much more with my product, but if I was to do 10 years ago I would have been very limited of what I could do. This shows this continuing change in media technology.

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