Brainstorm of film ideas |
At first I couldn't come up with a solid idea and i decided to brainstorm some to get my creative juices flowing and to try and capture the 'idea' that i am attempting to create. Along with ideas i also came up with different styles films, such as POV and a silent film. Along with the style I made thought provoking words and notes around it to produce a plot and storyline.
Furthermore, I researched what is included in Psychological thrillers and came up with a list of things that should be included in the idea of my film and the codes and conventions of this particular genre.
-Stream of consciousness : This includes me having to come up with a protagonist and describe whatever he/she is thinking and always engaging the audience with the characters state of mind being the centre of the narrative. Other techniques such as visuals and symbolic memories will help with this particular key technique of Psychological thrillers.
-First person narrative: most films of this particular genre follow a first person narrative that follows the protagonist and he/she always talks and refers to themselves as 'I'. This technique is very effective as it develops an invisible bridge that joins the audience and the character. Additionally, it makes the audience become directly involved as a relationship is formed as the character is always talking, creating the effect that he is almost speaking to you directly.
-Back story: The past of the character (if one) that is the centre of attention as to why the narrative is. This deepens the storyline and leads to why the protagonist does what he does and why. It is important to have a back story as it doesn't leave psychological thrillers open as there needs to be some order and intrigue to build a relationship with the Protagonist.
Even though i will not be going in deep into these techniques I need to make it evident that they are not only in my trailer but in my whole promotional package.
With these techniques combined it makes the formula and skeleton of a psychological thriller and i have to flesh it out with an idea that covers all these techniques.
After some deliberation and weighing out which idea would work best with the genre codes and conventions I came to a conclusion and I decided to go with the dream/nightmare idea on the top right of my brain storm as I believe it will be the most appropriate idea to do a promotional package as I am not limited to certain rules like those if I chose the POV film. I also decided yo go with this idea as I believe it is the one that will appeal the most to my target audience, following in the footsteps of films such as Inception and Shutter island. My next steps will be creating more of a detailed story and creating a pitch for it. In addition to this, I will also thinking about additional features so I can create my promotional package and ways in which i can advertise it.