Thursday, 16 September 2010

Introduction to A2 Coursework

Today I was given the 13 set briefs for the A2 coursework. After looking at all 13 briefs i realised that with the capacity of my ability and the resources at hand I couldn’t do every single brief to a high standard. With this in mind I narrowed it down to a few that I think I would enjoy and could do well to the required standard. In addition to this, I narrowed it down to the ones that I would be committed to and wouldn’t have second thoughts half way through it, so I balanced to pros and cons of each one.

Set brief 2

A promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options:

· Website: homepage for the film
· Film magazine front cover: featuring the film
· A poster for the film

With this brief I thought it would be a fun and interesting project as I have an interest in films and would think that it would be playing to my strengths to a degree as I have done tasks like the ancillary tasks before. Furthermore, part of the AS course was to look at film processes and I looked at many case studies, especially viral films which included a lot of ‘teaser’ material. The two print tasks would be my best option for the ancillary tasks (magazine front cover and poster) as I did magazine covers for my AS coursework and I’ve had experience making posters for films.

Set brief 4

A promotion package for a new computer/video game, to include two TV advertisements, together with two of the following three options:

· Cover: cover of the game’s package
· Website: two hyperlinked pages from the game’s website
· Advert: magazine advert of the game

Brief 4 was the other task I decided would be on my shortlist as it was one of my pastimes in life and I thought what better task to do than one I would thoroughly enjoy. Also, the ancillary tasks would bring in the many skills I learnt at AS level. If I were to do this task I would probably do the Print tasks as the two ancillary tasks (advert and cover) as it would play to my strengths. However, although I would be passionate about this task I would need to research everything from scratch as my knowledge about the ‘behind the scenes’ of promotional packages of video games.

After weighing up which one would be my best bet, I carried on m thoughts for a couple of days thinking of ideas I could for each task and which one I think I could do without diving into a territory which i decide half way through wouldn’t be good enough.

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