Monday, 27 September 2010

Finalised chosen task

After careful thought and weighing up the strengths and weaknesses I decided to go with the teaser trailer brief as I believe it will be a project that I will enjoy and dedicate myself a lot to. After choosing my coursework brief, my next steps are to research my area of the industry, in this case film, and develop a detailed research report that will help me to produce my coursework, using the industry codes and conventions.

I will thoroughly research the film industry and promotional packages as my knowledge isn't as developed as that for the ancillary tasks which are prints (something I have learnt to do at AS level). For my promotional package I will have to include:

-Teaser trailer (lasting around 1:30-2 minutes)

-Other material such as exclusive posters

For my prints, one of the ancillary tasks I have to create a Movie poster for the film I create, something I will have to research current film posters and look at the typical features of them, making sure that I include them in my piece of work. My other ancillary task I have chosen to do is a magazine cover for a film magazine to include my film. I chose this task to compliment my main task as I believe it plays to my strengths as I did a magazine production for my coursework last year, the only difference is that i had to do it for a music magazine last year.

Over the next week or so I am hoping to complete my research I have made a decision to start with the main task as I think it will help me produce the ancillary tasks as I will have material such as photos to use for the poster and magazine.

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